Like a dead corpse rotting away, today’s “organized/institutionalized local church system” bares virtually no likeness or semblance to what was once a living and vibrant community of believers who knew what is was to be set free from the entanglements and the yokes of bondage.
Translators are given a great responsibility in making sure they get it right, especially key words. The changing of one word can literally change the world. Do they get it right, or do they have something to protect?
The word “c-h-u-r-c-h” is one of those words that has impacted the world and has subverted the purpose for which it was intended. Because the translators substituted the word “church,” meaning a building, instead of the Holy Spirits word, ecclesia, a word reflecting a functioning body or a community, it has affected our whole approach to the meaning of the body of Christ. We have been given a word from the translators that has nothing to do with the original Greek word ecclesia.
This may come as a surprise to some people but there is no such thing as a CHURCH (institution) in all of Scripture! Oh yes indeed, the word CHURCH is found therein about 100 times; but the English word CHURCH should NOT be there at all. That word is not a TRANSLATION of the Greek word ecclesia; but it is substituted for a translation of the Greek word ecclesia in every place it appears in the NT Scriptures with the exception of three instances; all three found in Acts 19:32, 39, and 41.
Now dear reader, at this point, you have a choice: either believe what the translators had to say or go to the original language and read what Jesus and the apostles had to say. You will surely find no word coming from Jesus that He called the translators to represent His authority.
Doesn’t it stir your mind and heart enough to move you to really examine why this is true and consider all the error it has brought upon the world? Most people in the church are not aware that some Scriptures have been mistranslated, and then misapplied by human leaders.
How did the Greek word Ecclesia, meaning a called out assembly, congregation or community, come to be translated “church”, a word that is neither Greek or English but is of doubtful Latin origin and implies a building and temple worship? What is a word that is neither Greek NOR English doing in a Greek to English translation?
Read the full and complete article: “The Christian Church: Distorted and Deformed”
to find the very revealing answers to these questions.
Warning: It will not be pretty.
Please click the links highlighted to take you there!
November 11, 2010
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