To demonstrate their duty and submission to their spiritual overseer
and pastor David Koresh, many "Christians"
were willing to be transformed into human torches in the town of Waco, Texas.
To demonstrate their obedience and duty to “Obey them that have the rule over you," many "Christians" submitted to their spiritual overseer and Pastor
the Rev. Jim Jones, and "partook of the communion of death" in the jungles of Guyana, South America.
Many Christians will be quick to express the “extremeness” of the examples mentioned above in regards to people following their leaders, yet nevertheless, there is a lot more relevance to what has just been said than most of us care to recognize – relevancy that lands itself right at our own doorsteps.
When someone joins themselves to an organization or an institution called the “local church,” the times that will be spent there are very formative.
These formative times give ample opportunities for the “religious leaders” or “spiritual overseers” to brainwash the people by planting fears that will literally keep a person in bondage to their particular brand of religious system for life, or keep a person from looking at anything else for fear of being deceived.
These formative years provide an abundant opportunity as well for the “church leaders” to implant concepts which will actually keep the person from ever seeing the truth, even though the truth may be right before their eyes! If a particular doctrine or practice is continually being implanted into one’s mind time after time, using vivid graphic illustrations, a handful of Scriptures, add a little fear, and of course, throw in some “awesome respect for church authorities” and then, when that person reads plain Bible texts which tells them something different, they will not be able to clearly see what is directly in front of them. They will see the text through the filters that were put on their mind. They will not see the text as it really is.
It’s absolutely amazing how many times a Scripture is read in church that completely contradicts one of their main teachings and no one ever comments about the contradiction.
There was a time at the beginning perhaps when they asked those hard questions, but when they were rebuked or ridiculed and shamed for asking questions that caused division, they learned not to question anymore. They learned to go along with the crowd.
The scales over the eyes have become so thick that everything, including the concept of God Himself, becomes gross darkness. But they do not know it is darkness on account of the fact that they have been seeing that way for quite some time now. The “leaders” have locked them in to their own little system. To stray into a different area of thought is almost unthinkable for many of them.
Yea, rather the “leaders” view it as tantamount to heresy!
I say without intending offense that such exclusiveness differs little from the two extreme examples mentioned above or any other authoritarian groups.
Victims of such brainwashing have lost their personal autonomy and in some cases are reduced to almost a zombie-like state! A person who goes to their church Sunday after Sunday, and hears basically the same underlying message repeatedly for a lifetime, has little hope of ever understanding TRUTH as it is revealed in the all of Scriptures.
But these people will refuse to learn anything different from what they have been indoctrinated in. Why is that?
The reasons are simple but very important to be aware of and understand — BRAINWASHING and FEAR.
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