Jesus Christ would never put any of His material on sale or
give His ministry a formal name or even think to register it with Caesar to
receive some tax breaks.
Jesus never acted as though He needed the world’s eyes
or the world's approval to carry on His ministry.
Did He “take up collections?” No. Did He have a certain day
for “attending” Him? No. Did He say anything about “going to church” or
anything about serving and following your “under shepherds?” NO.
There are many
professing Christians who have only seen Jesus through the distorted lens of
man’s attendance-based religion, church services, money-laundering, “pastoral”
control, showmanship, rituals, and empty traditions,….all embodied in a
shallow, zombie-like existence.
Isn’t all of what we are witnessing today absolutely
ludicrous? Think about it.
What we are witnessing in today’s local institutional
churches is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of Jesus’ example!
And all of them proudly and
pompously say that "the Bible is our guide for faith and practice."
"For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but
their own appetites and by fair and flattering words, they deceive the hearts
of the simple-minded." ROMANS 16:18