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Leadership amongst God’s people is certainly of critical importance, both for clergy and laity alike and the Scriptures are not in the least bit silent on this subject either.
The following article will examine all of the major passages in Scripture dealing with this subject, especially 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
As an introduction, we will use a quote from someone who is considered by many to be the “Godfather” of theologians, John Calvin. This particular quote from Calvin was chosen because it not only brings into sharp focus and expression the embodiment of how a local church institution thinks and operates when it comes to leadership, but it also corresponds exactly in thought and practice within a wide spectrum of denominations as well, thereby not being limited to “Calvinistic” perspectives.
Here is a local institutional churches mindset on the role and importance of “leadership” in a nutshell as stated by John Calvin:
“The pastoral office is necessary to preserve the church on earth in a greater way than the sun, food, and drink are necessary to nourish and sustain the present life.”
Institutes, IV: 3:2, p. 1055.
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Follow this link - The Eldership Cookbook - to read the article in its entirety.