"For freedom did Christ set us free: stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in a yoke of bondage."
Galatians 5:1
Concerning the "stated meetings of the church," this teaching is usually set forth by the leaders of a given congregation and is presented in somewhat of the following way:
"Any one who is a member of this congregation is expected to attend the stated meetings of the church unless they are providentially hindered."
The "stated meetings" are determined by the elders or leaders of the church and the concept is often found in the church's constitution. Most of the time it is simply accepted with little or no thought as to whether or not this is a Biblical idea that was practiced anywhere in the New Testament church. It is not until time goes by that one begins to feel the pressure of such a requirement. People become uncomfortable and the sad part is that they fail to ask the obvious question that should be branded on the mind of every Christian:
"Where is this found in the Bible?"
That question is the point of this paper. Whenever this teaching is followed, it brings men into legalistic bondage.
This article will examine Hebrews 10:25, along with naming a popular Bible teacher who preaches this bondage.
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Forsake Not The Assembling