Why do you “go to church”?
Are you in bondage to men and their teachings?
You might be quick to answer, “Absolutely not! I am not a follower of men. I go because of love for God, for His Church, and for hearing His Word preached.”
Oh really? That's a nice answer. Clean, methodical words; well trimmed and polished theology, though painted red to hide the dirt beneath the nails. Just like those who pretended to see the Emperor's new clothes, there are many who will parrot the same polished answer, all nodding their heads in unison, not having the slightest clue as to what they are saying, neither the mind to question its genuineness.
Is this really the reason? And is there a chapter and verse for such a response? I didn't think so.
Let's ask some questions and see if we can bare the bones and expose this dreaded orthodox monster.
Check it out at the link below.
Why Do You Go To Church?