Twelve of the pastor’s favorite verses from
"The Pastor’s Bible":
2) My kingdom and dominion of rule will be in your local institutional church where you shall be my duly-authorized representative. Pastor's Bible - 24:11
3) Blessed are those who go to church. Pastor's Bible - 1:54
4) You cannot follow Me without being a member of a faithful local church.
Pastor's Bible - 14:61
5) Worship Me by giving of your tithes and offerings. Pastor's Bible - 18:2
6) Establish thou worship services and callest thy churches, houses of worship.
Pastor's Bible - 14:44
7) Be ye called Reverend, Doctor, Pastor or the Minister. Let thy garments also be such as set thee apart from other men. Pastor's Bible - 23:40
8) Commission thyselves as a board, sanctioned by Me, and call it the eldership.
Pastor's Bible - 17:30
9) Take charge of thy churches over which thou hast made thyself overseers and rule over them as a commander over his people. Be thou their authority in all things. Forbid them to worship or teach except at thy direction. Pastor's Bible - 2:13
10) When thou dost ascend the platform, remember that you are the voice of god. Sound like it! Pastor's Bible - 19:6
11) Demand being present at all of thy performances, again, binding the consciences unto thy dripping words. In doing all this, thou shalt grow strong and confident in thyself.
Pastor's Bible - 6:1
12) Devote thy sacred hours focused on thy authority and remind thy people often of it as well. Always magnify thy ministerial position over thy people. Bear thyself as one, Called of God, that need not be questioned. Pastor's Bible - 5:15
Twelve of the pastor’s favorite verses, taken from:
"The Pastor’s Bible"