The following article is written primarily for Christian wives, only because they have been more susceptible to the dangers that we will be looking in to. However, husbands should take careful heed as well, seeing that many of them have been snared into the same dangers.
What will be described has mostly taken place in what is generally known as the Reformed Baptist circles because, up until this point, this is the group with which I have been identified with for most of the past thirty to forty years. Nevertheless, the following could be said of any minister and/or denomination, because the problems discussed are the logical consequences of any "church system" in which "rulership" has gone awry. There are churches of all different stripes that will clearly fit the unbiblical practices that will be exposed in this article: Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Methodist, WWCG, JW, Mormons, Evangelical, etc., doesn't matter!
All are equally susceptible and some are equally guilty of the kind of corrupt leadership that will be described.
I realize that there are some who will not even believe the things that they will be reading. They will chafe; they will mock; they will not heed the warnings and thereby say, “who is this, that we should believe him!”
Many who read this will say, “None of those things could ever happen in my church. No. Not my Pastor. Why,.......I've known him to be a humble man and have benefited much from his ministry.”
Be careful! You may be surprised!
There have been (and continue to be) many cases where a pastor has deliberately placed himself between a husband and wife and used his so-called pastoral authority as a means of manipulating them both into personal loyalty to himself.
Some of these actions have been willfully and deliberately instigated by the pastor in order to break up the marriage through separation or divorce because one of them was beginning to "step on the pastor's toes."
My friend, if your loyalty to, or dependence upon, any church leader ever comes close to being equal to your loyalty and love to your husband or wife, then you are so sick spiritually that you can't think straight.
Read the article in its entirety here:
A Word To The Wives
When those in “positions of leadership” in the church, or anyone else, tampers with someone's marriage... THEY ARE TREADING HOLY GROUND!
December 3, 2009
November 15, 2009
Should Pastors Be "Cared For?"
“…..In other words Timothy, you are to BIND THE CONSCIENCES of God’s people to care for their pastor’s…..”
Such are the words of a pastor named Albert N. Martin, in reference to 1 Timothy 5:17.
The devil’s favorite place to trap people and bring them into bondage is not your local watering hole or whore house or the local drug dealer, nor is it with religions like Hinduism, Islam, etc. No, the devil’s favorite place to render powerless God’s people is a pulpit in a church that advertises itself as a “God glorifying” and “Christ-centered” church.
The following article is to be presented in the clearest possible terms, without mincing words, just like the Apostle Paul would have done if he were alive and witnessing what’s happening in the churches today. He would hit the nail right on the head.
Be patient though. It is a long article, but very "easy reading".
You are about to embark on a Scriptural look at another unbiblical cherished doctrine of man.
A word of warning: "Not For The Timid!"
Should Pastors Be "Cared For?"
Such are the words of a pastor named Albert N. Martin, in reference to 1 Timothy 5:17.
The devil’s favorite place to trap people and bring them into bondage is not your local watering hole or whore house or the local drug dealer, nor is it with religions like Hinduism, Islam, etc. No, the devil’s favorite place to render powerless God’s people is a pulpit in a church that advertises itself as a “God glorifying” and “Christ-centered” church.
The following article is to be presented in the clearest possible terms, without mincing words, just like the Apostle Paul would have done if he were alive and witnessing what’s happening in the churches today. He would hit the nail right on the head.
Be patient though. It is a long article, but very "easy reading".
You are about to embark on a Scriptural look at another unbiblical cherished doctrine of man.
A word of warning: "Not For The Timid!"
Should Pastors Be "Cared For?"
Aberrations In An Abusive Church
What can take place IN ANY CHURCH where spiritual abuse and unbiblical authoritarianism may be present?
Read about each of these evils and learn how they are carried out in the the following link:
Aberrations In An Abusive Church
Some pastors and other so-called church leaders have only one goal: to harm and kill and hate, regardless of what tactics are required to accomplish their agenda. Such is the state of today's church!
Read about each of these evils and learn how they are carried out in the the following link:
Aberrations In An Abusive Church
Some pastors and other so-called church leaders have only one goal: to harm and kill and hate, regardless of what tactics are required to accomplish their agenda. Such is the state of today's church!
Do Elders Rule? Hebrews 13:7 & 17
Did Jesus delegate authority to any man or group of men after He stated, "All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth" ? (Matt. 28:18)
Someone might say, "What about Hebrews 13:17?" This is usually the first scripture cited to "prove" that elders have authority. It says, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to them: for they watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account...."
Now, go through the verse and pick out the word "elder." If you cannot find it in the verse, look for it in the context. You are right! It is nowhere to be found.
Is it not strange that the main text to which those who advocate "Elders Rule," does not even mention "elders"? It is assumed beyond a shadow of a doubt that verse 17 is talking about elders. Then, it is welded into a law of God that this verse gives elders the authority to rule over the congregation.
See: Do Elders Rule?
to read the rest of this interesting article.
"...It is not so among..." God's true ministers. God's true ministers use His Word to "persuade" those in their oversight to humble themselves and be servants one of another. They never "exercise dominion" over anyone in their care. They are rather "helpers of their joy."
Someone might say, "What about Hebrews 13:17?" This is usually the first scripture cited to "prove" that elders have authority. It says, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to them: for they watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account...."
Now, go through the verse and pick out the word "elder." If you cannot find it in the verse, look for it in the context. You are right! It is nowhere to be found.
Is it not strange that the main text to which those who advocate "Elders Rule," does not even mention "elders"? It is assumed beyond a shadow of a doubt that verse 17 is talking about elders. Then, it is welded into a law of God that this verse gives elders the authority to rule over the congregation.
See: Do Elders Rule?
to read the rest of this interesting article.
"...It is not so among..." God's true ministers. God's true ministers use His Word to "persuade" those in their oversight to humble themselves and be servants one of another. They never "exercise dominion" over anyone in their care. They are rather "helpers of their joy."
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
In many churches, you can see the Biblical injunction, "we ought to obey God rather than man" (Acts 5:29) actually used to encourage the very thing that the verse forbids! The principle is twisted and tossed, and twisted again and again until the poor church members conscience is bound to the authority of men instead of to Christ Himself.
And the sad part is that the more disciplined and sincere the "pastor/overseer/elder" is, the more vehemently he will press this view; and even sadder yet, the more sincere the poor church member is that believes this Roman Catholic indoctrination, the more they will allow the "God-ordained elder" to rule their conscience.
When rule through elders has turned into rule by elders, a form of priestcraft has been established.
Read the rest of this short article at:
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
The evils so clearly and forcefully exhibited in unbiblical authoritarianism and spiritual abuse are the direct result of this man-made, man-centered, unbiblical authority structure.
And the sad part is that the more disciplined and sincere the "pastor/overseer/elder" is, the more vehemently he will press this view; and even sadder yet, the more sincere the poor church member is that believes this Roman Catholic indoctrination, the more they will allow the "God-ordained elder" to rule their conscience.
When rule through elders has turned into rule by elders, a form of priestcraft has been established.
Read the rest of this short article at:
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
The evils so clearly and forcefully exhibited in unbiblical authoritarianism and spiritual abuse are the direct result of this man-made, man-centered, unbiblical authority structure.
Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed
One of the first lines of defense for a preacher or leader under fire from the congregation is David’s famous statement, “Touch not the Lord’s anointed.” This is used to prove that the preacher or leader, assumed to be "the Lord’s anointed”, is beyond criticism, rebuke, or human control.
Fearful saints are often cowered into silence and subjection even when they are 100% convinced the pastor is wrong.
Can David’s statement be legitimately used in this manner by pastors today?
Read the article and see:
Touch Not The Lord's Anointed Catch Cry
Why have "elders/pastors" used ...“touch not the Lord’s anointed...” as fence to protect them? Could it be that they are unable to answer questions and respond to disagreements, and so, to protect themselves, have outlawed the very act of questioning itself!
I wonder how many elders/pastors have used David’s words to maintain their own authority even at the expense of the real truth.
Fearful saints are often cowered into silence and subjection even when they are 100% convinced the pastor is wrong.
Can David’s statement be legitimately used in this manner by pastors today?
Read the article and see:
Touch Not The Lord's Anointed Catch Cry
Why have "elders/pastors" used ...“touch not the Lord’s anointed...” as fence to protect them? Could it be that they are unable to answer questions and respond to disagreements, and so, to protect themselves, have outlawed the very act of questioning itself!
I wonder how many elders/pastors have used David’s words to maintain their own authority even at the expense of the real truth.
Why Are We Here?
Why: Wicked Shepherds?
I certainly understand the dismay at some in finding us. The widespread spiritual abuse and unbiblical authoritarianism that is occurring in church after church is spreading like a wildfire!
One area where this abuse and authoritarianism plants its poisonous fangs is in the marriage institution. Many marriages are being destroyed by these Wicked Shepherds, even as we speak.
And what is the primary reason for this destruction of the marriage?
One spouse has begun to “step on the pastor’s toes!”
In a many cases, “pastors” are deliberately placing themselves between the husband and wife and using their so-called “pastoral authority” as a means of manipulating them both into personal loyalty to himself.
If either the husband or wife becomes in any way critical of the church or his ministry, the pastor would “counsel” the other mate to put pressure on the first one to repent, and if there were no repentance from the “spouse’s rebellion,” separation and then divorce would be the next step in “counseling.”
This all being done under the guise that “their soul was is in danger” and the “church was in danger” because the rebellious spouse were daring to question God’s “duly authorized” minister.
My friend, if your loyalty to, or dependence upon, any church or preacher ever comes close to being equal to your loyalty and love to your husband or wife, then you are so sick spiritually that you can’t think straight.
See the article, “A Word To The Wives,” where this kind of explicit pastoral abuse is explained in great detail:
A Word To The Wives
Dear readers, it is our duty as Christians to proclaim THE TRUTH! Every single “church” which practices these abominations (and dozens more); every single “pastor/elder” who engages in these diabolical schemes should know that there is a fighting group of Christians who are exposing them.
Wicked Shepherds and
is exposing these men and their dastardly deeds which have corrupted, contaminated, and disfigured the church; turning it into an enslaving institutional system, which was not founded by Jesus Christ, but by men who love to feed upon and control other human beings.
Visit our Home Page
I certainly understand the dismay at some in finding us. The widespread spiritual abuse and unbiblical authoritarianism that is occurring in church after church is spreading like a wildfire!
One area where this abuse and authoritarianism plants its poisonous fangs is in the marriage institution. Many marriages are being destroyed by these Wicked Shepherds, even as we speak.
And what is the primary reason for this destruction of the marriage?
One spouse has begun to “step on the pastor’s toes!”
In a many cases, “pastors” are deliberately placing themselves between the husband and wife and using their so-called “pastoral authority” as a means of manipulating them both into personal loyalty to himself.
If either the husband or wife becomes in any way critical of the church or his ministry, the pastor would “counsel” the other mate to put pressure on the first one to repent, and if there were no repentance from the “spouse’s rebellion,” separation and then divorce would be the next step in “counseling.”
This all being done under the guise that “their soul was is in danger” and the “church was in danger” because the rebellious spouse were daring to question God’s “duly authorized” minister.
My friend, if your loyalty to, or dependence upon, any church or preacher ever comes close to being equal to your loyalty and love to your husband or wife, then you are so sick spiritually that you can’t think straight.
See the article, “A Word To The Wives,” where this kind of explicit pastoral abuse is explained in great detail:
A Word To The Wives
Dear readers, it is our duty as Christians to proclaim THE TRUTH! Every single “church” which practices these abominations (and dozens more); every single “pastor/elder” who engages in these diabolical schemes should know that there is a fighting group of Christians who are exposing them.
Wicked Shepherds and
is exposing these men and their dastardly deeds which have corrupted, contaminated, and disfigured the church; turning it into an enslaving institutional system, which was not founded by Jesus Christ, but by men who love to feed upon and control other human beings.
Visit our Home Page
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