In many churches, you can see the Biblical injunction, "we ought to obey God rather than man" (Acts 5:29) actually used to encourage the very thing that the verse forbids! The principle is twisted and tossed, and twisted again and again until the poor church members conscience is bound to the authority of men instead of to Christ Himself.
And the sad part is that the more disciplined and sincere the "pastor/overseer/elder" is, the more vehemently he will press this view; and even sadder yet, the more sincere the poor church member is that believes this Roman Catholic indoctrination, the more they will allow the "God-ordained elder" to rule their conscience.
When rule through elders has turned into rule by elders, a form of priestcraft has been established.
Read the rest of this short article at:
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men
The evils so clearly and forcefully exhibited in unbiblical authoritarianism and spiritual abuse are the direct result of this man-made, man-centered, unbiblical authority structure.