Did Jesus delegate authority to any man or group of men after He stated, "All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth" ? (Matt. 28:18)
Someone might say, "What about Hebrews 13:17?" This is usually the first scripture cited to "prove" that elders have authority. It says, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to them: for they watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account...."
Now, go through the verse and pick out the word "elder." If you cannot find it in the verse, look for it in the context. You are right! It is nowhere to be found.
Is it not strange that the main text to which those who advocate "Elders Rule," does not even mention "elders"? It is assumed beyond a shadow of a doubt that verse 17 is talking about elders. Then, it is welded into a law of God that this verse gives elders the authority to rule over the congregation.
See: Do Elders Rule?
to read the rest of this interesting article.
"...It is not so among..." God's true ministers. God's true ministers use His Word to "persuade" those in their oversight to humble themselves and be servants one of another. They never "exercise dominion" over anyone in their care. They are rather "helpers of their joy."