“…..In other words Timothy, you are to BIND THE CONSCIENCES of God’s people to care for their pastor’s…..”
Such are the words of a pastor named Albert N. Martin, in reference to 1 Timothy 5:17.
The devil’s favorite place to trap people and bring them into bondage is not your local watering hole or whore house or the local drug dealer, nor is it with religions like Hinduism, Islam, etc. No, the devil’s favorite place to render powerless God’s people is a pulpit in a church that advertises itself as a “God glorifying” and “Christ-centered” church.
The following article is to be presented in the clearest possible terms, without mincing words, just like the Apostle Paul would have done if he were alive and witnessing what’s happening in the churches today. He would hit the nail right on the head.
Be patient though. It is a long article, but very "easy reading".
You are about to embark on a Scriptural look at another unbiblical cherished doctrine of man.
A word of warning: "Not For The Timid!"
Should Pastors Be "Cared For?"