November 15, 2009

Why Are We Here?

Why: Wicked Shepherds?

I certainly understand the dismay at some in finding us. The widespread spiritual abuse and unbiblical authoritarianism that is occurring in church after church is spreading like a wildfire!

One area where this abuse and authoritarianism plants its poisonous fangs is in the marriage institution. Many marriages are being destroyed by these Wicked Shepherds, even as we speak.

And what is the primary reason for this destruction of the marriage?

One spouse has begun to “step on the pastor’s toes!”

In a many cases, “pastors” are deliberately placing themselves between the husband and wife and using their so-called “pastoral authority” as a means of manipulating them both into personal loyalty to himself.

If either the husband or wife becomes in any way critical of the church or his ministry, the pastor would “counsel” the other mate to put pressure on the first one to repent, and if there were no repentance from the “spouse’s rebellion,” separation and then divorce would be the next step in “counseling.”

This all being done under the guise that “their soul was is in danger” and the “church was in danger” because the rebellious spouse were daring to question God’s “duly authorized” minister.

My friend, if your loyalty to, or dependence upon, any church or preacher ever comes close to being equal to your loyalty and love to your husband or wife, then you are so sick spiritually that you can’t think straight.

See the article, “A Word To The Wives,” where this kind of explicit pastoral abuse is explained in great detail:

A Word To The Wives

Dear readers, it is our duty as Christians to proclaim THE TRUTH! Every single “church” which practices these abominations (and dozens more); every single “pastor/elder” who engages in these diabolical schemes should know that there is a fighting group of Christians who are exposing them.

Wicked Shepherds and
is exposing these men and their dastardly deeds which have corrupted, contaminated, and disfigured the church; turning it into an enslaving institutional system, which was not founded by Jesus Christ, but by men who love to feed upon and control other human beings.

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